i’m trying to complete an assignment on the lien act. the past couple of hours have been consumed by it. i even found myself engaging my mother over breakfast over the intricacies of ontario’s legislation and why its paternalistic protections are in fact required. this assignment pales compared to the crazy stuff we had to do for lawyering in first year but that was pass fail and so you could take risks with new ideas and innovative strategies. the final paper in this class will have to be written in just 2 days. not even. 25 pages of analysis. problem solving. it will be like a real life work assignment. looking forward to it… the break after all this is done.
oh, and to the 300 million people celebrating thanksgiving in the tradition of jon stewart: have a good one.
update: i have 5 pages single spaced. i need 5 pages double spaced. i need to cut out some of my intelligence.