puma dispatch

personal fav: suade, easy rider, aqua blue.

Monday, October 30, 2006

jade or jaded

were you wondering why i sound more jaded recently?
this doesn't help (or the abridged version here).

former communist world power? just goes to show you might be able to take person out of capitalism, but you can never take the capitalism out of the person (i don't know if that's even fair to capitalism!)

Sunday, October 29, 2006

it's kind of sad how i actually rejoiced once i realized this morning that i had actually gained a whole hour. and for once, i really did gain an hour since the edict of el presidente meant i didn't lost an hour in may while i was in tehran.

the extra hour was spent shopping. plus a couple of more hours. i needed to finish off my suit of armour for the upcoming interviews (6 interviews in 2 days and only 24hrs to make a decision on an offer!). so yeah, it's going to be an interesting week. i have no idea how i will decide because i'm sure all the firms (if they have any sense) will only let the personable lawyers out for show and tell. and i have that dreadful feeling that i had back in nyc when i thought life was all set out and there is no escaping the corporate path. except now it's a little toned down because i know escaping will be a lot easier than most ppl think. and not being bogged down with debt helps tremendously (one of the perks of feeling the toronto love:)

Monday, October 09, 2006

20 minutes

too long or too short?

i'm not sure whether 20 mins is enough time to be able to make any kind of meaningful determination based on broad life story questions or specific cooking recipies. but that's how it works with on-campus recruiting. surreal. and especially painful if you're asked pretty much the same question regarding your immediate history a dozen times. there are far more interesting things we could be talking about.

but the best "interviews" were the conversations. there were a couple of folks that were obviously old hands at the game and could make you feel at ease and have a 20 min conversation that quite literally flew by.

should know the outcome of all this within the next month...

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