puma dispatch

personal fav: suade, easy rider, aqua blue.

Sunday, May 15, 2005


today feels like a new beginning.
being at home, once again, it feels like i never left.
which just supports the feeling i've been having recently that time doesn't really pass by. it's all happening at the same time... the only limitation i have is that i've figured out how to look backwards but not forwards.

anyway, i've had a great introduction to nyc/law/pseudo-adult life... and this is the last entry until the end of summer when i get back to nyc.

hope you all have a fantastic summer.
peace out.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

beautiful faces, beautiful places

how can it be explained. i read his name. i look up. and there he is. what is going on? someone's playing games with me. this is aweful. it must be a coincidence i tell myself. that's all. too much studying on my mind. it can't be anything else. sigh.

lacoste love

breaking in my new crocodile shoes has been more painful than i anticipated.
but not quite as painful as erisa (the employee retirement income security act). we read a bunch of cases where the employees suing had no remedies when their benefit plans messed up because their state claims were preempted by erisa, a federal statute. and it was not until i read the law review article this morning that it all made sense -- the strong preemption language was introduced in response to strong interest group influence and the fact that ppl who should have cared didn't have a clue what was going on. really, there is so much more to studying the law than reading a bunch of cases... there is an intricate and complex system that governs all this and i would probably be right in assuming that 99% of the population doesn't have a clue how it affects their lives. don't get me wrong, i'm part of the 99%, but at least i realize there is a bigger picture out there... i don't know if i even want to see it.

a week from now i'll be sitting at the airport.
two weeks from now i'll be frantically packing for the summer and uploading my journal competition.
three weeks from now i'll be starting my first day at work (i think).
and before you know it, i'll be back and it'll all feel like a dream.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

wishing i was a travel writer


Friday, May 06, 2005

oh, the irony

last time i didn't check bbc for a day or two blunket was ousted from the cabinet. this time i missed the election results and the fact that blunket has made it back into the cabinet in the reshuffle. i really shouldn't stop reading the news. ever. although i must admit it does not interest me much any more given my limited 4 block radius of existence. don't get me wrong, its not that i don't think there are important things going on, it's just that i'm finding it difficult to relate to the pseudo-journalism that gets passed off as "news"...

but after the worst exam i've ever written (i have no idea how we managed to spend a whole semester reading hundreds of cases and still not learn anything) i did venture out of my block for a little while. and decided that i really do like living here... mainly cos ppl are just so nice to me in stores, even when i'm not buying things. the solidarity thing is amazing. i heart nyc.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

ce n'est pas possible!

how can this be?
i hate starbucks but providence has always provided me with free* mocha frappucciono supplies... and i have always enjoyed them immensely (temporarily blocking out my dislike of the brand while relishing the yummy drink). i mean who doens't enjoy a creamy blend of coffee and milk and tons of sugar that tastes better than desert?!
so i can't understand why i cannot enjoy them anymore. i have one sitting in front of me right now, half consumed. i have no desire to finish it? am i losing my taste buds, appetite as well as sanity and general health? will i be able to recover in time to enjoy my time at home (including those home cooked meals i've been looking forward to for sooo long)?

tune in tomorrow to find out if our heroine makes it through another day with her superpowers intact.......

* currently free thanks to firm issued gift certificates and formally free due to a nice scholarship in undergrad that covered my meals at the dining hall that carried the dreamy deserts...

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