puma dispatch

personal fav: suade, easy rider, aqua blue.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

amelie strikes again

to the founder of the rumi society of the university of toronto.
i have information abt the rush of blood to the heart.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

the dr's daughter

there's a dr whose kind of my boss/supervisor/spiritual-mentor (kidding abt the last part... we're really on different life trajectories).

and he has a daughter.

i met her on tuesday. and she was different from what i expected. but i'm not sure how exactly she should have been.

certainly didn't imagine her to be so foul mouthed. it was a little humorous to see dr getting a little anxious over her choice of vocab. she wants to hang out, which is fine by me. she reminds me of home in certain ways.

it was interesting to see dr in a new light.

i've come to realise that ppl are not really who they say they are. at least 99% of the time.

i think you learn the best lessons when it hurts the most. so the aches and pains must mean i'm doing something right... right? at least i'm not tripping up in the same way anymore which is certainly an improvement.

real letters

i just mailed a letter that i have been in the process of writing for two months.

it felt good finally getting some things down on paper.

but there was so much that couldn't be written. well, all the important stuff was avoided. stuff that i would say if there were fewer ppl involved and all the "what ifs" in the world were aligned in my favor.

life has been wholesomely busy. it's good. i feel responsible. still looking for that assistant but i've realised i can't possibly find one... i'll have to mold one and that's going to take a while.

tonight, 4 of my cousins are celebrating their birthdays and i decided i would be the party host. it's strange to interact with extended family at times (basically cos i'm new at it after two decades). i'd prefer to be locked away somewhere or having one of those deep conversations like back in college. guess that's not going to happen anytime soon... i've had such few good conversations lately that i might just end up marrying whoever happens to be the fortunate (or unfortunate) soul who manages to engage me for more than a few minutes.

back to party-planning... and may be another real letter.

Sunday, January 01, 2006


i had the best darned surprise EVER!
but it's probably because i've developed into a totally gullible person.
my dad duped me into going to the airport to see a friend who was arriving for a short holiday trip.
and imagine my surprised expression when the "friend" turned out to be none other than my own SISTER!!!
still a lil' in shock abt this turn of events.
so much to see and do in this city if you're only passing through for two weeks.

i'm happy.

happy new year to ya all!

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