puma dispatch

personal fav: suade, easy rider, aqua blue.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

the dr's daughter

there's a dr whose kind of my boss/supervisor/spiritual-mentor (kidding abt the last part... we're really on different life trajectories).

and he has a daughter.

i met her on tuesday. and she was different from what i expected. but i'm not sure how exactly she should have been.

certainly didn't imagine her to be so foul mouthed. it was a little humorous to see dr getting a little anxious over her choice of vocab. she wants to hang out, which is fine by me. she reminds me of home in certain ways.

it was interesting to see dr in a new light.

i've come to realise that ppl are not really who they say they are. at least 99% of the time.

i think you learn the best lessons when it hurts the most. so the aches and pains must mean i'm doing something right... right? at least i'm not tripping up in the same way anymore which is certainly an improvement.


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