puma dispatch

personal fav: suade, easy rider, aqua blue.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

the professional superhighway

the path is relatively clear. you step into a good school and work hard. you get into a good professional school and work even harder. you get hired at a great firm/hospital/company and work harder than you thought possible. you make a lot of money. you buy lots of things but can never take time off. at best you take short, expensive getaways from the city. you eat at the best restaurants. you move up the ranks. you develop a taste for the most expensive italian suits. you make partner/open your own clinic, receive professional accolades, discover things, write stuff, etc. if you’re lucky/unlucky you have a couple of kids in the process. you put them through school by writing cheques. you hardly ever see them, and even then for an hour or two before either one of you has to rush off. you might enjoy your work but the hours take their toll. your investment profile grows and grows. you sit on boards and make contributions to charity. you give speeches and give political support.

but some days, when you see the other half, you wonder if this is what you wanted. did you come so far for so very, very little?

Saturday, March 10, 2007

wow, this is what i call a real debate.
there is so much content and so little time. i'm like a kid in a candy store... when will we ever figure out how to add more hours to our day.

Friday, March 09, 2007

they're onto something with the lad walking out of the lake scene. who needs prince charming when we have mr. darcy!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

here's a snippet of real class discussion regarding taxation of income generated from illegal activities, specifically drug traficking:
"s* would know all abt that... because he's in the jd/mba program...... umm, i don't mean the drugs part, i mean the business part..."

there may have been some drugs involved at some point. i can't totally rule that out.
but the prof is prone to making comments like that. he'll make wise-crack jokes followed by a good 10 secs of silence as he searches the room for a sniker or even a smile. goofy times.

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