puma dispatch

personal fav: suade, easy rider, aqua blue.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


i was thinking about life today and thinking about the fact that if there were a time machine there are a couple of points in history that i would love to visit. i’d like to see adam and eve at the moment when they were ceremoniously dumped on earth and ask them what could possibly have persuaded them to give up heavan? i’d like to see the melancholy look on noah’s face as the rain pours down, the water rises, and his prophecies come true. i’d like to witness the birth of jesus and see how he finally leaves earth. i’d like to be there on the arabian peninsula to see the effect of the message that changes the world forever. i’d like to be in andalusia during the peak of islamic civilization and see what went wrong. i’d love to meet rumi and talk to him about shams and try to understand the nature of his feelings.

but then i realized that so much of what i think i want to see in the past is so very dependant on my beliefs today. may be our life is a just series of bets on what we think really happened in the past.

Monday, September 26, 2005

faces from the past

i met up with a friend of mine from grade 1 yesterday. somehow our fathers got in touch and inadvertently we were drawn into a foray into the past.

wow. who would have thought that we would turn out this way? i mean as ickle kids running around in grade 1 i recall we were good friends but we’ve gone down different paths in life. and yet somehow our paths have crossed again, proving once again how the world is such a very small place. there’s a beautiful persian saying: two mountains will never be able to reach each other, but two people can (kooh be kooh nemireseh, am’a adam be adam mereseh).

i guess other than growing up in different continents, the major difference between our lives right now is the fact that she’s married. she also mentioned names that brought back faces from close to two decades ago... girls now married, some with adorable children. i’m curious to see them again, and see the beautiful women that they have become.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

observations i

this is the inevitable post that has been brewing for a long time.

i haven’t written much about my experience here during the summer mainly because there is so much to write that i don’t know where to start. but the events of the last few days have made me change my mind.

the one thing that everyone complains of in tehran is the god awful driving. it’s true that i might be a little sensitive to this from having lived in countries that have traffic laws that are observed but the reality is pretty bleak. the reasons for the craziness are numerous but the lack of respect for driving laws is so prevalent that some people like my dad (an expert driver) refuse to drive here. there are so many collisions* and injuries and deaths that everyone is connected to at least one tragedy.

an awful accident involved our neighbor in the first month of the summer. he was driving home in his fairly new sedan when he was hit by a truck that had been going too fast and lost control. the only thing that saved his life was the fact that he was wearing a seatbelt. he was dragged out of his car moments before it blew up and he was in the hospital for several weeks. he was lucky that the damage to his neck, although very serious and requiring surgery, did not lead to complete paralysis.

an even more horrific experience happened a month later. it was by chance that we were at the funeral of my dad’s cousin and her daughter. their car too was hit by a truck while traveling outside the city. the driver of the car was also killed. the other passengers were also injured, one very seriously. the moments spent in the cemetery as their bodies were laid to rest were some of the most frightening moments of my life… iranian funerals are anything but quiet and somber affairs. the wailing, crying, lamenting are overwhelming. the human power of empathy is truly a scary thing.

my own constant dread from riding in cars was intensified after this. but after a while it is something that you inevitably become desensitized to... i still complained about the driving. the way cars pull in front of one another at dizzy-speeds and never an indicator light in sight, and every few days (or more frequently) we end up driving past the remains of yet another collision, cars mangled with or without similar damage to human bodies.

so it should come as no surprise that i was finally in my very own collision. coming back into the city last night a friend insisted to drive us. in the highway he was driving pretty fast (read at least 100-120kmh) and like most drivers here there was no attention to the traffic laws. a couple of times i took the opportunity to point out the actions of other crazier drivers that were zigg-zagging through traffic at 140kmh but i guess it didn’t have the necessary effect. i don’t even know what happened, but one moment everything was fine and the next my face was pressed up again the headrest!

it turns out the car in front had slowed down/braked (probably to avoid some other maniac) but our driver did not see this and we crashed right into the car in front. the typical story… thankfully in our case there wasn’t another car behind us and there were no serious injuries (although I froze my face of with an ice pack for the afternoon).

so while i continue on my dreaded ventures in cars around the city, i hope that some mothers who have lost their sons and daughters, husbands, sisters, brothers, mothers and fathers, will start an organization like mothers against drunk driving (madd) except with a more suitable name like mothers against dangerous driving, and change this country’s driving practices once and for all.

* following the practice of my driving instructor from when i was 17, i refuse to call these incidents “accidents”. an accident is “an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally” or “something that happens by chance or without apparent cause”. 99% of these collisions are anything but unexpected and unintentional and can easily be avoided by following traffic laws.

Sunday, September 04, 2005


so i hear the waiters dropping his name and being the curious child that i am i look around and spot his head at the front talking on the phone. a little disappointed with the fact that he is leaving i turn around and the conversation turns to his incredible reputation and his son and the music and the bam concert and his latest tour…

but as we make our way to the door i see my friend take a little bow and say salam with the utmost respect to the ostad. i can’t believe my eyes… i’m just two feet away from him! i make sure to catch his eye and say salam willing my thoughts of his excellence to make it from my mind to his… wow. i can’t believe it. his music always takes me to a different world.

it would have been crass to bug him while he’s enjoying his meal (all alone i might add). and the unfortunate thing was that he seemed to have injured his left hand/arm which was either bound up or in plaster. i’m sure it won’t affect his music abilities cos he still has the most amazing voice i ever heard.

i never thought i’d melt at the sight of someone “famous” (logically it makes no sense)… but he’s the father of classical persian music so give me a break!

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