power of interconnectedness
a year ago today, a moment of clarity changed my life. i don’t even know how i came to think of it right now but then again i am perpetually humbled by the fact that there are so many things that i do not know and understand. the moment was profound in many different ways and it led to experiences that have changed who i am and how i see the world. i’d like to think that bitter or sweet, they have helped me become a better person.
the moment:
“from those who bring tidings of peace, there is a message that must be gained. look within yourself and you shall discover riches that will fill your heart, mind and world with such tranquility that cannot be touched by even the largest of earthly calamities. there is such strength that can be gained to carry you further along the path. and there is such exquisite beauty that will make you count the seconds before you will be again in His presence, in awe of His majesty.
the first thing i had to do when i arrived at nyu was to register and pick up my schedule. but i could not have imagined that the simple words uttered to me as i entered the room could so profoundly transform my world, peak my interest and forever change the path of my life. as-salamu alaikum. peace be upon you. such a beautiful greeting!
and from that day onward my life has not been the same.”