relative quarter century
i’ve been thinking about my twenty-fifth birthday for a few days. the only reason that it strikes me as odd is that i’m not due to pass the quarter century mark for another 20 months… the problem is that someone mentioned “quarter century” phrase and my mind has been caught in a continuous loop repeating the phrase and trying to figure out what the hell it means.
as a kid, i thought i would have accomplished a lot of the important life events by the time i was 21-22 years old. i don’t think i thought much about the day to day stuff that i would be doing and the kind of activities that i would be engaged in apart from the fact that the major pieces of the puzzle would be in place. or rather the major piece.
and come to think of it, 95% of what i find myself doing these days is not what i imagined. perhaps some of it will in some obscure way lead me to achieve some of the things that my 5 year old idealistic version would have wanted. the main difference as i approach this “quarter century” mark is my increased belief that there is no right path, no right answer and no right choices. it certainly makes it a lot easier to deal with “failure” as it is transformed into somewhat of an empty and relative measure that doesn’t have the effect on me that it once did.
i wish i could regain my belief in at least some absolutes, hopefully before i reach my quarter century...
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